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BUILDINGS AND PLASTICS Krakovo chapell The east side of the Roman settlement Emona stands the Krakovo chapel from 18th century. It is said that baroque architect Candido Zulliani built it. Inside the chapel one can find the oldest Christian statue in Ljubljana. It is a relief of The Holy Mary with baby Jesus on her lap. The relief might be from a timpanon of original Crusader church from 1260. When a new church was built in 1714, the owners donated the statue to the chapel. The image takes the middle part of the relief. There is a throne with two pillars at the sides placed on the support base with two dragons with wings. Two pigeons are sitting on these pillars. During the research, it was fund that similar sculpture by the same author exists in a church in Sol.ava, another Slovene city. The difference between the sculptures is that on the former St. Mary is holding an apple and Jesus is looking right to the front, while on the latter St. Mary is holding Jesus. chin. There are also some signs of a former crown on St. Mary.s head in Krakovo chapel. There are a considerable number of similarities between the two statues, but the Krakovo relief is nearer to the style of sharp wrinkles.
In the past there were islands on the river Ljubljanica. A church of Saint Volbenk, first mentioned in literature in the year 1550, stood on one of them. Unfortunately, it was destroyed by the reformers . The place, where the church stood, was called ''where the river closes at night'', ''on a bank'' or ''in the middle of the river''.The church and the island were destroyed in 17th or 18th century. At the same time, rakes were removed. They were posts sticking from the bottom of the river connected between one another with ropes in order to catch wood and other objects floating down the river. Additionally a toll was collected there. They were removed because they were hindering the flow of the river and closing free passage into the city. Plague signs Plague sings are built in houses in Krakovska Street 21 and in Krakovski nasip 14. The first one represents an angel, sitting on a death-skull and holding a sand-clock. The second sign is the image of a lying angel, which gave a name for a pub ''At the Black Angel''. The legend says that the plague ended at these two houses in the 16th century. These images are unique for Slovenia.
Faculty for architecture (2nd City boy.s grammar school) In 19th century, on the north side of Krakovo, a Second City School was built. During the war there was a military hospital inside it. Till the year 1991 the building was for Engineering grammar School. There were a lot of different schools inside this building, even a School for less-talented children. Today, here is the Faculty for architecture.
On the side facade of the house at the Krakovska street 27, in a window-like niche there is a painted relied of St. Mary. It was not possible to find any information about the relief in the literature, with the exception of its probable date of making . 16th or 17th century. From the distance the sculpture gives the impression of a fresco, only because of the shadows cast by the figures it is possible to recognize it as a sculpture. It is very likely it dates back to the 16th century since the paint is still in relatively good condition, especially taking into account the possible weather conditions. The 16th century was a period of time, when the influence of Baroque and late Gothic were mixing in Slovenia (under the influence of artists from the northern regions.) The scene presents the body of Christ taken off the cross and his bemoaning with an interesting detail of the cross being only marked by a vertical line. The style and motive of the sculpture resembles Italian renaissance sculptures. |